Students Activities

Best Student Paper Awards

Three best student paper awards will be given by ICIP2015 and remitted by Mrs. Lena Söderberg during the Banquet and Awards ceremony. The first author must be a student for the paper to be eligible.

Get-Together Students-Employers Luncheon

The purpose of this lunch event is to provide opportunities for students to find a job or postdoctoral position, for industry employers to meet potential candidates, and for researchers to find postgrad students. The event will also provide networking opportunities and a forum of discussion between participants. Graduate students will be able to interact with senior researchers and to discuss their research and future career in an informal context.

Tables will be set up for companies, organizations or institutions to meet and interact with students. Food and refreshments will be served during the activity. The names of the organizations, institutions and companies attending this event will be publicized on this page.

Attendees (i.e. students, researchers, LiteBlue USPS company employees) need to register beforehand to participate in this event. Participation is limited for both students and employers.

  • $10 for students as a commitment to their participation to the event. Payable during registration.
  • Free for employers and researchers. It is advised to bring promotional material or printed copies of available opportunities.

Please contact the Students activities co-chairs at for further information.

Quebec Science Fair Best image Processing-Oriented Project

Every year, many high schools in the Province of Quebec participate to a Science Fair. In order to promote excellence and foster careers in image processing, the ICIP Committee has elected to invite the winner of the best image processing-oriented project to present, all expenses paid, the results of his/her work. Stop in the booth area to find out what the best of the next generation has in store! The winner will also be invited to attend the Banquet where his or her achievement will be recognized.


Élodie Tremblay and Alice Gagné, from Mont-Saint-Sacrement high school in Quebec, are the two students recipient of the best image-processing-oriented project at Quebec Science Fair 2015. Their project presentation was focusing on scientific vulgarisation and engineering. They focused their work on a technology that could have significant impacts on various domains, including image processing: 3D printing.

First Élodie and Alice presentation consisted of a brief historical overview of 3D printing origin, and the technological approaches that succeeded one another (i.e. photopolymerization, material extrusion, powder bed fusion process).

Then they addressed the motivations behind such a technological innovation: Its main targeted benefit was rapid prototyping, including three essential notions, namely cost, time and shape complexity. Using 3D printing, the goal was to be able to make objects quicker, decreasing production delays. Better production results with less defects was also in mind, allowing a decrease of production costs and a reduction of costly equipment in factories. Compared to usual manufacturing process, it was anticipated 3D printing could allow creating objects with complex shapes traditional moulding-based approaches couldn’t consider.

The presentation final part was dedicated to 3D printing applications especially in the medical domain where the technology is constantly improving and becoming essential. It is now involved not only in prosthesis fabrication but also complex surgery planning and realisation. Eventually, the technology will be used for organs and live tissues printing.

Student Travel Grants

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is pleased to sponsor travel grants to student and non-student authors from developing countries. The grants will be awarded on a highly competitive basis to a limited number of applicants who have a genuine need for financial support to attend ICIP 2015. SPS membership is required, and the paper quality will be taken into consideration. The grants may only be used to cover the travel expenses to attend ICIP 2015. The grants, if approved, will be distributed via a reimbursement during or shortly after the conference. The SPS travel grant selection and oversight committee reserves the right to make the final decision regarding all applications.

Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Contest

As part of the student activities, the Technical Program Committee is offering a 3 Minutes Thesis (3MT) contest, where Ph. D. students have three minutes to present a compelling oration on their theses and the significance to an audience specialized in different image processing fields. This unique opportunity aims at developing academic, presentation, and research communication skills and supports the development of research students’ capacity to explain their research in a language appropriate to an educated but non-specialist audience.

As a taste of what the 3MT presentation can be, those who are interested are encouraged to have a look here. The 3MT brand should be evident in all components of communications, from the content to the format, and from the imagery to the tone of voice.


Prizes will be presented at the Awards Ceremony during the banquet. The winners of the 3MT ICIP’15 contest will run for the following prizes.

Prize Value
Winner CAD 2,000.00
Runner-up CAD 1,000.00
People’s Choice CAD 500.00


The 3MT competition will be performed in accordance with the following rules.


Any Ph. D. student registered to ICIP 2015 with a valid student card at the time of the conference can enter the contest; Every participant is required to submit a video of 3 minutes and a 1-page summary of his/her Ph. D. thesis. Failure to submit both items will result in disqualification.

Video & Submission Requirements
  • The video must not exceed 3 minutes of duration;
  • The only allowed video formats are WMV and MP4;
  • The video file MUST be renamed with the reference number provided on the submission website before uploading;
  • In addition to the video, authors must submit a 1-page summary to be copied in the related text box on the submission website.


By submitting a video, participants give the 3MT Committee the right to post their video online.

Evaluation Criteria

Out of all submissions, the first-round completion will select a maximum of 10 videos and a minimum of 5. The selection will be carried out by the 3MT Committee;
Acceptance of participation will be based on the submitted video and final registration and attendance confirmation;
The final round of the contest will take place during ICIP 2015;
Click here for the “Presentation rules and judging criteria”.


Item Date
Video Submission July 31, 2015 August 9, 2015
Acceptance Notification August 10, 2015
Author registration August 15, 2015*

* Notwithstanding the advance registration deadline of July 31, all accepted 3MT participants, not already registered to the conference will be allowed to register at the advance rate up to August 15. This extension is valid for 3MT authors ONLY.

Submit video
Opens in a new window


For any question related to the 3MT competition, please contact


->10 hints for improving Presentations for the Three Minute Thesis (pdf)
->Academic and Professional Communication for New Researchers
->Making the Most of Your Three Minutes (pdf)
->3MT Canada 2015


Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is a research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland (UQ) which challenges research higher degree students to present a compelling oration on their thesis and its significance in just three minutes in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.

3MT is not an exercise in trivialising or ‘dumbing-down’ research but forces students to consolidate their ideas and crystallise their research discoveries.


The first 3MT was held at UQ in 2008 with 160 PhD students competing. In 2009 and 2010, the 3MT competition was promoted to other Australian and New Zealand universities and enthusiasm for the concept grew. Due to its adoption in numerous universities, a multi-national event was developed, and the Inaugural Trans-Tasman 3MT competition was held at UQ in 2010.

Since 2011, the popularity of the competition has increased and 3MT competitions are now held in at least 170 universities across more than 17 countries worldwide.

In November 2013, the first Universitas 21 (U21) 3MT competition was held with several universities from around the world competing in a virtual competition.

3MT Video Contest Finalists

The names of the seven finalists of the ICIP 2015 3MT Video Contest are now known, and their videos are presented below. As you know, there is “People’s choice Award” and we seek ask your advice about which of these finalists deserves the People’s Choice Awards. Please encourage the finalists and vote using the form below. You can vote until September 25 (one vote per person, please).

We sincerely wish to thank all participants for their willingness to enter this not-as-easy-as-it-looks contest.

These are, without any specific order

Ghulam Mubashar HASSAN



Chia-Yin TSAI

Kuo-Chin LIEN



3MT Video Contest Winners

1st place : Alejandro BETANCOURT
2nd place : Hoda Rezaee KAVIANI
People’s choice : AlejandroBETANCOURT

Photo: Claudel Huot